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Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market

Get in the festive spirit with Chris Moose at this traditional German market!

Birmingham’s Frankfurt Christmas Market is the largest traditional German-style Christmas Market outside of Austria and Germany and is packed full of continental festive fayre and traditional goods that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. From the traditional German bratwurst sausage and gluhwein stands through to the intricate lacework, porcelain and handmade gifts, you may have to step back and remind yourself you are in this modern metropolis which is transformed into a quaint German Christmas world. Over the years, Birmingham's singing Christmas moose (Chris Moose) has become a Christmas attraction in his own right. Located directly in front of the Council House entrance, the singing moose (Chris to his mates) guarantees a Christmassy atmosphere and a lot of fun for young and old. Carols in the City as well as daily bands on the Christmas market stage create a romantic Christmas atmosphere. Enjoy a hot mug of Glühwein while listening to traditional Christmas songs or great jazz music.

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